我的是:C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5下面,修改如下:
[client] default-character-set=utf8 port=3306 [mysql] #网上下面这个 gbk 很多回答也是设置为utf8,结果就是乱码 default-character-set=gbk # SERVER SECTION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The following options will be read by the MySQL Server. Make sure that # you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this # file. # [mysqld]# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on port=3306 #Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this. basedir="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/" #Path to the database root datadir="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/Data/" # The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is # created and no character set is defined character-set-server=utf8 collation-server=utf8_general_ci 修改完毕重启mysql,查看一下编码: mysql> show variables like 'character_set%'; +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ Variable_name Value +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ character_set_client gbk character_set_connection gbk character_set_database utf8 character_set_filesystem binary character_set_results gbk character_set_server utf8 character_set_system utf8 character_sets_dir C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\share\charsets\ +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ 操作试试: mysql> insert into per values('乱码解决'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from per; +--------------+ name +--------------+ 的纷纷从 乱码解决 +--------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)