合金装备5幻痛Heroism说明_合金装备5幻痛Demon Values说明
时间:2024-10-18 来源:本站 作者:佚名

《合金装备5:幻痛》中很多玩家对于Heroism与Demon Values不太理解,下面为大家带来玩家“MONOKUMA24”分享的Heroism与Demon Values具体说明,一起来看看吧。

Heroism Points& "Hero" Status

Once you exceed the 150,000 Heroism marks, your character becomes a "Hero". This has a variety of benefits. Firstly, it immediately rewards you with a Trophy/Achievement if you also have complete Mission 31(which is likely), in addition to other rewards. Secondly, it enables you to all rival FOBs, including those owned by players who have developed a nuclear weapon deterrent. However, you should note that you will lose your Hero status if your current Heroism score falls below 100,000points.


Demon Points& "Demon Snake" Status

The length of the horn-like shrapnel protruding from Big Boss's forehead is determined by the hidden Demon value. There are three possible sizes, each corresponding to a specific Demon milestone.

Big Boss前额突出的角状弹片的长度是由恶魔值决定的。一共有3种尺寸,每一种都反映一个单独的状态。


Horn Thresholds

Threshold Short Medium Long

default <2.5万 2.5-5万="">5万

1st change <4万 4-8万="">8万

2nd change <5.5万 5.5-11万="">11万

3rd change <7.0万 7-14万="">14万

4th&Beyond <8.5万 8.5-17万="">17万

Whenever you hit the "long horn" milestone, Big Boss becomes "Demon Snake". At this point, hit outfit is permanently soaked in blood, which cannot be washed away if you shower or attempt to bathe is river or pools. Even a change of clothes will not remove these perpetual stains (Though an exception is made for the special Solid Snake, Cyborg Ninja and Raiden costumes that you can obtain as late-game unlocks).

只要是达到“长角”状态,Big Boss会变成“Demon Snake”。在此时,他的外表会永久沾染血迹,即使是冲澡或者泡在河流或水池中也无法洗去。即便是换装也无法抹去这些污渍(尽管在游戏后期解锁 Solid Snake、Cyborg Ninja和Raiden的套装除外)。

You will lose the Demon Snake status by performing actions that lead to Demon Point reductions that move you back into "Medium Horn" category. Whenever you transfer between levels-from medium size to small size, or from long size to medium size- all thresholds will increase.

只要采取让恶魔值减少的行为,你会丢掉Demon Snake的称号,并且回到中等长度角的范畴。


Of all actions adjust yourHeroism and Demon totals, developing a nuclear weapon has perhaPS the most profound consequences. The moment that the manufacturing process is complete, your Heroism score is reduced by-50,000,and your Demon value increases by+50,000 points. For many players, the latter penalty will instantly transform Big Boss into Demon Snake. You should therefore think very, very carefully before you commit to research a nuke.

在所有与英雄值和恶魔值息息相关的行动中,开发核武器会导致最深远的影响。一旦生产完成,你的英雄值会减少50000点,恶魔值增加50000点。对许多玩家来说,稍后的惩罚便是把Big Boss变成Demon Snake。因此,你需要非常非常慎重地去考虑开发核武器。

《合金装备5:幻痛》Heroism与Demon Values说明解析攻略

